Transition Services
The Lawrence Public Schools is committed to the success of our students both academically, and transitionally. Students who qualify for special education services may also be eligible for transitional support through Lawrence Public Schools (LPS) and our community partners.
LPS has a team of Transitional Professionals who support our students and families in the processes of transition planning, including post-secondary academic opportunities and partnering with community agencies and resources. Throughout the year, educational family and student centered sessions will be offered including provider fairs, opportunities to learn more about continuing education, and sessions offered for our SEPAC families. Please keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming dates regarding transitional topics.
Meet Our Team
Elaine Davey- Lawrence High School
Elaine is a professional with many years of Transition Specialist experience. She specializes in supporting our students and families in the transition to adulthood and working with our community partners to create engaging community opportunities that fit the interests of our students and families.
Elizabeth Hogue-Lawrence High School
Elizabeth joins LPS after working as a Transition Specialist for a private setting. Elizabeth supports our students as they transition from their community schools in eighth grade to Lawrence High School. She focuses on future planning with students and families to ensure that they are enrolled in an appropriate course of study for their goals and needs.
Jordan LeCours- School for Exceptional Studies
Jordan supports our SES students as they prepare for the next steps. Working closely with DDS and DMH, Jordan supports students and families in planning for programming after graduation and considering continuity of service and care for our students. She is well versed in community partnerships and works to pair each student with their needed resources.
Community Partners
As our students age and get closer to adulthood, we partner with many organizations within the Merrimack Valley to prepare students for adulthood and adult support. Students are considered for referral to these organizations based on their level of need, personal profile, and disability among other factors. Some of our partners have been detailed and linked below:
DDS: The Department of Developmental Services
DDS supports students with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder to access supports including employment, day habilitation programs, housing, and supportive resources and funding for students and families. Students are referred to DDS as part of a 688 referral process.
MRC: The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
MRC focuses on training opportunities for students with disabilities and centers around employment, community living, and navigating the application process for federal programs. Students interested in post-secondary education and training might be great matches for a partnership with MRC.
DMH: Department of Mental Health
DMH supports individuals as they transition to the adult world with access to therapeutic providers, access to respite care, group support, and case management. For students who require this partnership, DMH can provide excellent continuity of therapeutic resources as students transition from high school and into the adult world.
The Arc of Greater Haverhill Newburyport Family Support Center
The Arc of Greater Haverhill Newburyport Family Support Center is a family resource center. They offer bilingual individual consultations, information and referral resources throughout the lifespan. Support groups with opportunities to meet other families with similar challenges.
Families have access to webinars, workshops, and training on topics such as early intervention, educational, advocacy, guardianship, healthcare, social security and future planning and more.
The Arc of Greater Haverhill Newburyport offers recreation & social opportunities.
Wayside Family Support Center
Serving students 18-25, Wayside Family Support Center offers transitional support for students who are seeking to overcome obstacles including mental health, homelessness, and disability as they venture towards adulthood. Some supports include training, transitional education options to build independent living skills, and transitional housing supports.
688 Referrals and Planning
For students who are applying for adult services, there is the option to self-refer, but there is also the option to use the 688 process through the public school system. This process mandates that students who are 1) Receiving special education services in Massachusetts from the LEA. 2) Are in need of continuing services because of the severity of their disability and are 3) Unable to work 20 or more hours per week in competitive employment will be eligible for a 688 referral. A referral must be made 2 years prior to the student exiting school to allow time for services to be aligned and prepared to be implemented.
688 planning is part of IEP planning and transition planning as provided through the LPS district.
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